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Jessica Braun

Jessica Braun has a passion for faith in Jesus and Bible teaching for young people. Her passion for Bible instruction inspired her to pioneer an Inductive Biblical studies program in Youth With a Mission (in Turner Valley, AB) at the age of 22. She would lead and teach in it for 10 subsequent years.


Her passion for seeing young people trained up in knowing the Word of God would take a turn in the road when God would bless her (and her husband) with three children! In the last twelve years she has put her pioneering heart to work laying out a track for her family to have their own fruitful faith journey.


Recently, Jessica has re-entered missions with YWAM Turner Valley in a part-time capacity in order to pioneer a discipleship track for the children at the campus, lead a family's outreach to Southeast Asia, and be a mentor to the next young generation of missionaries.


Having now taught over 50 books of the Bible, Jessica spends a good deal of her time mentoring young Bible teachers in their development in Biblical Studies.


Jessica loves creativity, art, great coffee, hospitality, running, and outdoor adventures with her family.

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